We handle all aspects of Construction From The Dream to Reality
Let our expert staff move your design idea through design and drafting, engineering, then through local, state, and Army Corps permit processes effortlessly with our teams combined 100 plus years of experience. We permit for other construction contractors for marine, land developers, and government.
Design your dock within regulations, riparian rights, setbacks, seagrasses, dock height, deck spacing, total square footage, water depth, and more factors all play a critical role to get your permit approved and issued.
Seawalls require special knowledge, some areas require a wave break to be placed in front of the wall, other areas require water retainage or special filtration systems for your new Seawall. Let us take the reins and get the job permitted to get Construction started sooner with less setbacks.
Curious whether or not to trim that tree, fill that wetland, or buy that vacant lot. Please call us prior to these costly mistakes.
Before you buy your next home include us in a dock, seawall, and general environmental guideline review. Relators call us all the time to inspect vacant construction lots to confirm that their construction dreams can get permitted at their location or to see about new work on a existing home. We also specialize in survey review for wetlands, mangroves and protected species.
Our licensed team can design within permittable tolerances so not to make promises that cannot be permitted. Don’t get suckered into paying for a non-permittable conceptual design.
Our Certified Ecologist can get you the proper permit to avoid huge fines for trimming protected plants.
Complete Dock Package -Starting at $2500-(includes survey, drafting, engineering, all required permits, environmental assessment, as-built survey, permit closure)
Inspection Service Starting at $500 includes site visit, structural inspection of dock or seawall, basic shallow water seagrass assessment, review of/for existing government permits, written report.
Mangrove Trimming permits start at $2350 includes permit fee and trimming design!